Worker's Compensation Board of Saskatchewan Meeting

Apr 06, 2023

WorkSafe Saskatchewan has released it’s new 2023-2028 Fatalities and Serious Injuries Strategy, with the transportation sector being listed as one of the highest risk industries with the lowest reductions in injuries. The goal of this strategy is to reduce transportation injuries, the majority of which are caused by collisions, by 10 percent. While most other industries were able to meet or exceed their goals, transportation was only able to reduce injuries by a mere 3%.

On March 29th, 2023, the Saskatchewan Trucking Association attended the first of a series of meetings hosted by the Worker’s Compensation Board of Saskatchewan. The goal of these meetings is to create a learning collaborative with a variety of stakeholders from the industry, in order to come up with solutions that will effectively reduce the number of work-related motor vehicle collisions in our province and meet the standards set out in the strategy. This initial meeting allowed us to learn what each stakeholder felt are the biggest challenges and reasons behind the high rates of injury and motor vehicle collisions within our province.

Driver Fatigue from a lack of rest stops, poor road conditions and maintenance, speed, distracted and impaired driving, and a lack of education regarding how to drive safely around class 1 vehicles were just a few of the potential drivers behind the high rates of collisions. We will be meeting again toward the end of April to continue the discussion surrounding the reduction of work-related motor vehicle collisions in Saskatchewan.

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